CUrrent Menu


Chicken croquettes | Truffle | Black chanterelles 4/5/6/3/7

Euro 3,- Unit

Fig bombons | Goat cheese | Mascarpone | Honey Caviar 6/8

Euro 12,- 4 Units

Beetroot carpaccio ǀ Burrata ǀ truffle  6


Euro 14,-

Cream of truffled cauliflower | Poached egg  6/5

Euro 15,-
Salmon tartar | Avocado Mousse  3/2/4/11

Euro 18,-

Thai King prawns "Son Amoixa" 7/11

Euro 18,- 

Smoked steak tartare "Son Amoixa" 2/4/5/3/11/14

Euro 18,-

Grilled octopus ǀ Romesco sauce | Wasabi pearls 8/9/10

Euro 24,-

"Jamón Ibérico de bellota"

Euro 26,-


Mixed salad "Son Amoixa" ǀ Valmond vinaigrette 8/10

Euro 8,- smal

Euro 13,- big


Salad with crispy chicken | Fine herbs dressing 4/5/6

Euro 9,- smal


Euro 15,- smal


At least 2 people | only on pre-order


Vegetables 1

Euro 18,- p. P.
Mixted 3/7

Euro 25,- p. P.

Seafood 7

Euro 30,- p. P.

Lobster 3



Gratinated eggplant mille-feuille | Pesto 5/8/10

Euro 12,-

Aglio e olio pasta 4

Euro 13,-

Feta cheese roll | guacamole | vegi-crudités 6

Euro 14,-

Vegetable wok | Spaghetti 4/5/11

Euro 14,-

Risotto of mixed mushrooms | Truffle | Parmesan 6

Euro 18,-



Seabass | baby spinach | courgette puree | Fennel foam 3/6/7

Euro 24-

Hake with pistachio crust | Citrus purée | Thai wok 3/4/8/8/10

Euro 24,-

Tagliatelle thai | prawns | norway lobsters 2/4/7/9/3/11


Euro 25,-

Salmon fillet ǀ Cashew and lime crust | Roasted sweet potato | Wok vegetables  3/4/6/8/10/11

Euro 26,-

Turbot roll stuffed with Pak Choy and prawns |Jasmine rice | Wok vegetables 3/2/7/11

Euro 29,-



Free-range chicken stuffed with "Requesón" and spinach | Madras Curry | Apple chutney 6/11/4

Euro 20,-

Rack of lamb | Patató arrugado (wrinkled potato) | Rormary vegetables 6

Euro 28,-

Iberian “pluma“ in smoked grill | Hoisin sauce | potato purée with truffle 6

Euro 29,-

Beef tenderloin ǀ "Pedro Ximenez" sauce ǀ Potato Millefeuille | Glazed vegetables 4/6  hp: + 5,-

Euro 32,- 

Chateaubriand 5/6 (min. 2 people) hp: + 7,-

Euro 35,- p. P.


Homemade ice-cream 6/8/10

Euro 3,-/ball

Variation of sorbets 

Euro 9,-

Chocolate coulant ǀ peppers vanilla ice cream 4/5/6

Euro 10,-

Mallorcan almond “Torrija” ǀ white chocolate cream ǀ pistachio ice-cream 4/5/6/8

Euro 10,- 

Ricotta and pistachio cannoli | Roasted hazelnut crumble | Baileys ice cream 4/5/6/8/10 Euro 11,-


Important notice:

If you suffer from any allergies or an intolerance, please don’t hesitate to contact our restaurant service or our receptionist



1: Apio, Sellerie, Celery 8: Frutos secos, getrocknete Früchte, Nuts
2: Sésamo, Sesam, Sesame 9: Moluscos, Mollusken, Molluscs
3: Pescado, Fisch, Fish 10: Cacahuetes, Erdnüsse, Peanuts
4: Gluten 11: Soja, Soy
5: Huevos, Eier, Eggs 12: Altramuces, Lupine, Lupins
6: Lácteos, Milchprodukte, Dairy 13: Sulfitos, Sulfite, Sulfites
7: Marisco, Meeresfrüchte, Shellfish 14: Mostaza, Senf, Mustard